It has been a very busy summer for us here at Voyageurs Outfitters. Tours ran most everyday on Rainy Lake with many trips to the historical Kettle Falls Hotel in Voyageurs National Park. Our campers kept us running providing services to make the most of their time while on Rainy Lake, Kabetogama, Namakan, Crane Lake and the Boundry Waters Canoe Wilderness and Voyageurs National Park. But to everything there is a season and the waters of Voyageurs are much quieter now with Fall apon us. We are still running fall color tours but the pristine waters will soon freeze over and winter in Voyageurs will be here in all of its majestic quiet beauty.
Winter in Voyageurs is a great time to visit. Snowmobiling, snow showing, cross country skiing, ice fishing and hiking are just a few of the activities you can partake in during the winter months. Keep us in mind for your winter excursions.
Call us anytime to discuss the last summer’s activities or what will be new and exciting for next spring and summer. We look forward to hearing about what your dreams are in Voyageurs National Park and how we can help to make those dreams come true for you and yours. Remember… Your adventure is out there…